Massimo Barbusci
The first lab that I created was to create a cv, here is the link to my cv page.
Lab 1The second lab I made was to create a website that contained three different types of pictures.
Lab 2For the third lab, I had to create a website about myself, which included my familly and the social media apps I frequently visited.
Lab 3For the fourth lab, I had to create links to the websites I previously had made, and I also had to create a table using html and external css.
Lab 4For my fifth lab, I created a two column floating layout website. The website was about my life, and in the left column were the previous labs that I had done before that.
Lab 5For my sixth lab, the goal was to creat another two column floating layout page, and three seperate webpages, each webpage would contain a different transformation.
Lab 6For the seventh lab, I had to create different types of fields, such as a password field, or a text input field and others.
Lab 7For my final lab, I had to create a website that included three different types of audios, three different types of videos and one youtbe video.
Lab 8